
August 30, 2022

On Being Bi-Vocational

My path into bi-vocational ministry wasn't a normal path: I used to look down on bi-vocational ministry... Early in my ministry, my wife and I were looking for a church to minister in as a "youth...


August 26, 2022

Soft-Gnosticism - the Fever of Modern Christianity

What if I told you that an ancient heresy that the apostle John fought against is now mainstream in the American church? I believe modern Christianity is suffering from a fever I call...


August 25, 2022

Why we can't be neutral in the culture wars

In my ten years of pastoral ministry in a small town in Illinois, I've gone from avoiding anything even remotely political, to looking for reasons to attack woke/leftist ideology. In this post I...


August 24, 2022

Against Missionary Videos

I despise missionary videos and think missionaries should go back to simple photo slides. Before I go further let me deal with some objections: First, I understand why missionary videos are...
